Monday, December 27, 2010

Infertility and Bacteria

Lately I've been reading about a fertility doctor over in New York, Dr. Atilla Toth.
His big claim is bacteria is the major cause of todays infertility.
In his (expensive) clinic he boasts a 60% success rate with treating "infertile" couples, which is huge when compared to IVF stats.
I ordered his book Fertile vs. Infertile on Amazon, but you can read it online for free. Definitely worth a read.
Here is a link to two case studies of women with POF. One woman is found to have chlamydia, the other E. Coli. Of course it is not just these two forms of bacteria that can cause infertility. He speaks about bacteria being transferred between sexual partners, so your partner needs to be tested and treated also. His other important theory is what he calls "vertical transmission" of bacteria, so even if you're a virgin, you can be contaminated from your mother during your vaginal birth.
It's a very interesting concept and he's certainly been having success with it for many years. I think it may be difficult to find a doctor who will work with you on this, unless you go to Dr. Toth in NY, and pay the big bucks.
Here is a link to woman's success story posted on
You'll find mixed reviews of him on, some swear by him, others say run.
I'd love to hear anyone's opinion on this one.


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